"Doing Family" Watercolour Workshop
When given the opportunity to bring people together & teach always say YES!
Talk a walk through Arc Gallery & see the final exhibition.
The Doing Family Exhibition coinciding with Victoria law Week 2021
This month-long exhibition included 22 professional artists from across the Gippsland Region. The cohort of Gippsland artists involved in this project contributed an exceptional standard of visual and sculptural artworks responding to the theme of family for this exhibition. Also included were contributions from a series of community workshops which were organised as part of the overall Doing Family project, workshops involved Gippsland community members exploring themes of family through learning watercolour application skills with tuition from an experienced creative facilitator. Participants came together to help install the exhibition in the week leading up to Law Week 2021, and this opportunity provided a sensitive, collegiate platform for exploring the themes within the artworks, which included family violence and family law, as well as celebrating family units, and showcasing the diverse people, pets, places, and wildlife contributing to the sense of family across our Region. Discussion regarding Gippsland community services available for individuals and families across Gippsland was part of the conversation.
This exhibition was very well received by the visiting public audience, who related to the theme of family and the diversity represented through the works. It was terrific to see how many visitors attended the site while the exhibition was open, given its location off the beaten track, coupled with Covid regulations, however people came from all over Gippsland to view the exhibition despite these challenges. The Doing Family exhibition was co funded by the Gippsland Primary Health Network One Good Community Fund with the Gippsland Family law Pathways Network & Better Place Australia and supported by the Victoria Law Foundation’s annual Law Week initiative
Conscious Image Making Workshop
Transforming raw creative energy into building blocks of a creative practice by focusing on intuition and confidence rather than expensive equipment and years of study.
1. How and Why - camera technics, light, shade, composition and subject - This workshop will focus on black and white digital photography. We explore photographic styles, messages understanding what we like and what we don't like and why. This about discovering what makes you happy
2. Process to Print - digital enhancement, photo processing and printing - Participant will download their photos, and learn how to edit their work to find the best ones. We explore digital software and basic tips to get the best prints. We also explore judgement of ourselves and others work.
3. Top Shoots - mounting techniques for exhibitions, and how to shamelessly self-promote with all the propaganda using local outlets and social media.
Exhibition - Curate and hang photographs, organize and host a community event, prepare artist statements and learn how to talk and sell work, network and connect to the extended local community.
With a heavy heart, I have decided to withdraw as curator of the Fin-Ish Exhibition at Lake Tyers House on Feb 3 due to a conflict of personal ethics and values of my own arts and professional practice.
On Friday the 26th I was informed and deeply concerned about the abuse of Aboriginal people during early white settlement at Lake Tyers House and the massacres that occurred nearby.
A history that is still felt by the indigenous people of Lake Tyers today.
I apologize to all the artist who have worked for 12 months on their Almanac's about Lake Tyers. I have enjoyed working & learning from you all & could not be prouder of the wonderful bodies of work & study you have produced.
This has been a very steep & intense learning experience for me on my responsibilities as a non-Indigenous custodian of Australia, a mentor & a conscious image maker.
The unfortunate timing so close to the event can only put down to my naivety, which is why I am extremely grateful the wonderful opportunity for practical learning community arts project like FLOAT creates for regional emerging artists like myself who have limited access to arts education.
The exhibition is now being curated by very capable hands of Josephine Jakobi and Getzel Gary Yelen . If you need more information or question about the exhibition please contact project manager Andrea Lane andrealane@bigpond.com
[*please register asap for the WALK and the EXHBITION as numbers will be limited.]
Isolation: A Marley Street Project Photographic Exhbition
Residences of Marley Street Flats paticipated in PollyannaR Conscious image making workshop to capture, process to print a photographic exhibition. The result has been the absolutely moving body of work exploring isolation and homelessness.
"Emotional Drain" by Wayne Frost
Please join us for the opening of Isolation a photographic exhibition at the Bond Street Event Centre.
Commencing at 12:30pm on Wednesday 22nd of November 2017. "Emotional Drain" by Wayne Frost
Over the last 2 months, I've working with the residences of Marley Street Flats showing them capture to process to print a photographic exhibition. The result has been the absolutely moving body of work exploring isolation and homelessness.
Proof that a value of an image isn't in how it was made but in why was made.
BIG Love to Leanne Blake from Quantum Support Services for birthing this project and BIG BIG LOVE to Regional Arts Victoria for again supporting emerging and diverse artist from Gippslandia
Paint a family portrait inspired by the colours of the people you love.